Memorial, 2014, by Annie López
The articles, creative writing, artistic production, and book reviews in this issue bring to fore new insight on subjectivity, voice and space for the many roles women play as mother, activists, musicians, writers and more. We thank Alejandra Elenes and Gloria H. Cuádraz for all their work and dedication to see this issue come to fruition.
An Altered Point of View
Annie López
Speaking to the Times
Alejandra Elenes and Gloria H. Cuádraz
“Our Labor Is Our Prayer, Our Mother Is Our Offering”: A Chicana M(other)work Framework for Collective Resistance
Chicana M(other)work Collective: Michelle Téllez, Cecilia Caballero, Judith C. Pérez-Torres, Christina Vega, Yvette Martínez-Vu
Contestaciones: The Music Genre of Cyber Hociconas
Esther Díaz Martín
La identidad femenina en la narrativa de Irene Vilar: Impossible Motherhood: A Testimony of an Abortion Addict
Margarita Pignataro
Trans Chol@s, the Coloniality of Gender, and Sexual Violence in Helena Maria Viramontes’ Their Dogs Came with Them
Araceli Esparza
Voicing for Space in Academe: Testimonios of Chicana Communication Professors
Mari Castañeda, Claudia A. Anguiano, Sonya Alemán
Editor’s Commentary
Making Poems
Patricia Trujillo
Mother, Father, Child of the Americas
Yarubo Americano
Meeting Chicago in Spain
Grisel Y. Acosta
El Arbol
Amor Desengañado
Rita Cano Alcalá
Más allá de acá
No sólo por cruzar cruzar
El más acá
Samiri Hernández Hiraldo
Prayer for Healing
Sandibel Borges
Dahlia Season: Stories and a Novella
Justine Hernandez
A Life on Hold: Living with Schizophrenia
Norma L. Cárdenas
Writing the Goodlife: Mexican American Literature and the Environment
Vanessa Fonseca
Growing Critically Conscious Teachers: A Social Justice Curriculum for Educators of Latina/o Youth
Silvia Patricia Solis