This issue of Chicana/Latina Studies: the Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social examines positionalities and provides readers with yet more intellectual and spiritual tools for resistance. As Chicana/Latina feminists we re-imagine and re-create ourselves as part of our authentic liberation. Self-definitions become an emancipatory praxis that allow us to position ourselves against agents, policies, and acts of oppression.
Alicia Partnoy and Karen Mary Davalos
Editors’ Commentary
Irene Lara
Bruja Positionalities: Toward a Chicana/Latina Spiritual Activism
Michelle Téllez
Doing Research at the Borderlands: Notes from a Chicana Feminist Ethnographer
Zulema Moret
Casi en la Zozobra de lo Indecible (Fragmento del Prefacio al libro Mujeres Mirando al Sur: Antología de Poetas Sudamericanas en USA)
Emma Sepúlveda
I Am Afraid of the Security Moms
Victoria Guerrero
Victoria Guerrero, Translated by Sarli E. Mercado
Time to Come
María Auxiliadora Álvarez
María Auxiliadora Álvarez, Translated by Kenny Fitzerald
Just Us
Mariela Dreyfus, Translated by Anne Archer
Todos Saben Que Vivo, Que Respiro
Enmei Carrasco
My Esteemed Xicano Brother
Enmei Carrasco