In my work, I often present moments of listening, of contemplating, of deciding, “What will be next?” As a way to document the lives I’ve witnessed, particularly those of my ancestors, I paint. Painting also provides a way to honor a person’s existence and make visible the marks he or she has imprinted upon me and the environment, a legacy left for me as well as those still to come.
I am connected to art as a visual performer and work to manifest my vision as an artista and muralista. As a set and graphic designer, I unveil the world as I imagine it for others to see. This inheritance compels me to capture the forward movement of my people through colorful portraits and murals, using bold brushstrokes, often painting women who have a strong sense of self, even in their silence.
Excerpt from Garcia, Adriana. 2010. “Living Through Art—A Journey Unfolds.”
Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social 10(1): 10-11.