The pieces in this issue aim to document and record Chicana/Latina contributions to the creation of knowledge, making visible our expressive, narrative, and cultural practices bringing to life our ways of knowing and creating.Order This IssueARTIST'S STATEMENT Ruth Leonela Buentello, … [Read more...] about C/LS 11(2) Spring 2012
C/LS 11(1) Fall 2011
This issue of Chicana/Latina Studies is grounded by the vital question: What does it mean to unearth voices and how do we do this? Whether we are scholars, administrators, literary or visual artists, working across the genres of critical analysis and creative thought, we both, individually and … [Read more...] about C/LS 11(1) Fall 2011
C/LS 10(2) Spring 2011
This issue evidences that scholars and activists who study the sociocultural worlds in which we interact continue to create knowledge in ways that speak to alternative possibilities.Order This IssueARTIST'S STATEMENT Liliana Wilson Images of Life: Witnessing Atrocities EDITOR'S … [Read more...] about C/LS 10(2) Spring 2011
Protected: C/LS 10(1) Fall 2010
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C/LS 9(2) Spring 2010
The works brought together in this volume stage a conversation about the range of life paths encountered by Chicanas and Latinas: paths that have been set before us, paths we chose for ourselves, worn paths we blindly follow, new paths given to us by others who have forged the way, as well as the … [Read more...] about C/LS 9(2) Spring 2010